Grizzly Bear Mother Nursing Her Cub in Yellowstone

A Grizzly mom nurses her one-year-old cub in Yellowstone, providing essential nutrients and strengthening their bond. Grizzly mothers typically nurse their cubs for up to two and a half years. Grizzly cubs remain highly dependent on their moms during this period, learning to forage, recognize threats, and develop the skills necessary for independence. In Yellowstone, where grizzlies face a range of challenges—from harsh weather conditions to competition for food—this nurturing period is critical for the young cub’s survival and development.

A Grizzly mom nurses her one-year-old cub in Yellowstone, providing essential nutrients and strengthening their bond. Grizzly mothers typically nurse their cubs for up to two and a half years. Grizzly cubs remain highly dependent on their mothers during this period, learning to forage, recognize threats, and develop the skills necessary for independence.